Against AI Monetization

Before I begin work on this site I will begin with a simple preface on my beliefs, I believe that the current attempts to attack AI Art and other AI generated content are ultimately fruitless and will end up exactly the same as the Luddites did during the industrial revolution, as artists we must accept these new tools as here to stay.

However this does not mean we need to simply roll over and accept the tide of tech companies washing away thousands of years of human self expression, what we instead must do is approach this topic from a different angle, take advantage of the nature of AI's creation off the back of millions of artists and push for a redefining of AI "art" as part of the collective heritage of mankind, the debt to artists cannot possibly be repaid and AI companies know this, the only remaining course of action is for these tools and the "art" they create to become public domain, destroying the profit incentive and allowing AI to exist to the benefit of mankind not to the detriment.